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6 Telltale Signs That You Have A Broken Water Line

Published on September 29, 2023
Written by Bo

Have you ever faced an inexplicable surge in your water bill or noticed a suspiciously soggy spot in your yard?

You might be dealing with a broken water line. Understanding the signs of a damaged water line can save you from a lot of hassle and a potentially hefty repair bill down the line. 

Knowledge is power, and Full Speed Plumbing in Mount Vernon, WA is here to empower you. So, buckle up, and let’s dive into this crucial home maintenance topic. 

Remember, if you spot any of these signs, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Full Speed Plumbing – your trusted partner for all your plumbing needs.

5 Common Causes of Broken Water Lines

If you suspect that your water line is broken, the damage could be due to one of the following causes:

  1. Extreme Soil Conditions: Soil conditions play a vital role in maintaining the longevity of a water line, with any major shifts leading to possible fractures or ruptures in its integrity. Heavy rainfall or irrigation could become oversaturated and exert excess pressure onto it, potentially causing it to collapse, resulting in damage being done to it.
  2. Temperature Fluctuations: Sudden changes in temperature can wreak havoc with your water line, from extreme cold causing water to freeze and expand to soil contraction, leading to cracks along its route, to extreme heat leading to soil shrinkage, which causes line breaks.
  3. Aging Infrastructure: Like everything in your home, your water line is vulnerable to wear and tear as time goes on. Over time it becomes more susceptible to leaks and breaks; regular inspection and maintenance checks can help identify a potential plumbing problem before it escalates into costly repairs.
  4. Root Intrusion: Tree roots searching for water sources may invade your water system and, over time, cause significant damage that requires professional repair to fix.
  5. High Water Pressure: While high-pressure showers may seem relaxing, too much pressure could strain your plumbing lines and potentially lead to a rupture. Regular checks on your water pressure can help protect you against this common plumbing issue.

Remember, early detection can save you time, money, and a lot of stress. Keep an eye out for these common causes of broken water lines and contact Full Speed Plumbing for any repair or maintenance needs.

6 of the Most Noticeable Signs You’ve Got a Broken Waterline

A broken water line in your home can lead to serious problems if not addressed promptly. Here are some signs to look out for:

  1. Unusually High Water Bills: A sudden spike in your water bill could be a sign of a leak or break in your water line. The excess water usage results from the water continuously flowing out of the break.
  2. Wet Spots in Your Yard: If a water line is broken and leaking, it could cause wet spots or marshy areas in your yard. This is especially suspicious if there hasn’t been any rain or watering.
  3. Low Water Pressure: A break in your water line could result in a notable drop in water pressure in your home. If your showers and faucets are only trickling, it might be time to call a plumber.
  4. Unclear or Dirty Water: Similar to the causes mentioned above, a broken water line can also lead to dirty or discolored water. This happens when dirt and other contaminants enter the water line through the break.
  5. Unusual Noises:  If you hear unusual noises, such as hissing, from your pipes, it could be a sign of a water line break. The noise is caused by the water escaping under pressure.
  6. Foundation Cracks: In severe cases, a broken water line may cause cracks in your home’s foundation. The leaking water can erode the soil beneath the foundation, causing it to shift or crack.

Once an underground water supply pipe springs a leak, it can disrupt daily routines and threaten nearby structures. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to repair it effectively.

Step 1: Confirm the Leak

To begin any repair work, it is crucial that you first verify whether there is indeed an underground water pipe leak. Look out for signs such as soggy yards, low water pressure or an unusually high bill; these could all indicate there may be an issue with your underground pipe system. If these symptoms exist, then chances are high there’s likely a leak somewhere within.

Step Two: Locate the Leak

Once you’ve verified a leak, the next step should be locating it. This may prove challenging if your pipe runs deep underground – however, looking for wet areas in your yard could provide clues as to where the source lies.

Step 3: Excavate the Area

Once you have identified a leak, it’s time to excavate. Use a shovel to carefully excavate the area around the leak using wide enough sweeps in order to give yourself enough room.

Step 4: Repair the Water Pipe

Once the leak has been identified, it is time to repair it. Depending on its severity, a simple pipe repair clamp might do just fine – or you may require replacing an entire section of pipe altogether.

Step 5: Conduct an Additional Leak Check

Once your repair has been completed, it is imperative to conduct an additional leak test. Turn your water back on and observe if there are any additional signs of leakage; if nothing appears amiss then congratulations: you have successfully fixed your underground water supply pipe!

Step 6: Backfill the Excavated Area

To complete the excavation process, it’s time to backfill. Relocate soil into its proper places, making sure to compact it firmly before replacing grass or vegetation that was disturbed during excavation. Don’t forget to restore any that was disturbed!

DIY repair is a cost-effective way of dealing with minor leaks. But remember, it’s always wise to call in professionals like us at Full Speed Plumbing for major repairs or if you’re unsure of the repair process. Safety should always be your priority.

6 Telltale Signs That You Have A Broken Water Line — Conclusion

In conclusion, being aware of the signs of a damaged water line can save you from unnecessary stress and financial strain. From sudden spikes in your water bill to soggy spots in your yard, keep an eye out for these telltale signs. 

Factors like extreme soil conditions, temperature fluctuations, aging infrastructure, tree root intrusion, and high water pressure can all lead to a broken water line. A minor leak might be within your DIY capabilities, but for major issues or if you’re in doubt, don’t hesitate to call in the professionals. 

Here at Full Speed Plumbing in Mount Vernon, WA, we’re always ready to assist with all your plumbing needs. 

Contact us today and let us bring you peace of mind with our reliable plumbing solutions.

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