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Author: Bo

Good Plumbers vs Bad Plumbers

At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter if you’ve found the cheapest plumber on the market, especially if he’s not going to get the job done the right way. Although price should play a role in who you choose as your plumber, there are several other factors that should determine if you are working with a “good” or a “bad” plumber.

Read on in today’s blog post, and we’ll go through the determining factors showing how good of a plumber you are working with. We are Full Speed Plumbing, one of the top plumbing companies in the Anacortes area! We also serve Skagit Island, Mount Vernon, and San Juan Counties. You can also rest assured that our team is full of “good” plumbers .


Good Plumber: 

A good plumber will show up to the job on time (or maybe even earlier ) and will get the job done in the most efficient way possible.

He will also do the job in a way that lasts – not just give a temporary solution.

Bad Plumber: 

In contrast, the bad plumber can be hit-or-miss. When you call him for his services, you’re never quite sure when he’ll actually show up.

He doesn’t pay proper attention to detail, and he also doesn’t get to the root of the problem. With the bad plumber, you usually get the feeling that he’s just fixing your issues on a surface level so he can keep getting your business…

Licenses and Certifications

Good Plumber: 

The good plumber is properly licensed and trained. You can rest assured that this guy knows exactly what he’s doing and is also properly insured in case anything he does happens to go wrong! 

Bad Plumber:

The bad plumber doesn’t worry about details like licensing and insurance. He doesn’t think it’s important, and sometimes he’ll even make his rates significantly cheaper to make up for this fact.

More often than not, if the bad plumber is “sneaky” in this area, he’ll most likely be a little rat in other areas of his work too . He’s the type of person that will cut any corner he can. Definitely not someone you want working on important parts of your home!


Good Plumber:

The good plumber is respectful of your home. He’s not going to make a big mess, and, if he does, he will clean it up! The homeowner should never have to worry about it.

Not only is he respectful of your property, but he also respects your time. As mentioned before, he’s going to show up on time and not keep you waiting!

Bad Plumber:

The bad plumber has little concern for the property that he is working on or the people he’s working. He’s mostly just concerned with showing up, getting the job done, and getting his paycheck ASAP. He doesn’t care what mess or destruction he has to make to do this. The end justifies the means for him.

Where Can I Find A GOOD Plumber?

Full Speed Plumbing is known for being a team of good, ethical professionals!

Our company values honesty and respectfulness with our customers, and we take the time to obtain the proper licensing for each of our workers.

Reasons Your Water Doesn’t Taste Right

There’s nothing better after a long day doing yard work than a nice cup of ice cold water.

There’s also nothing worse than being met with water that tastes a bit . . . funky.

Although, in many cases, there’s not too much to worry about healthwise, this is still an annoying inconvenience!

What are some things causing the weird taste? Continue reading as we’ll explain a few common scenarios and what usually causes them.

We are Full Speed Plumbing, one of the top plumbing companies in the Anacortes area! We also serve Skagit Island, Mount Vernon, and San Juan Counties. We love offering helpful plumbing information and tips to our customers and whoever else might stumble upon our blog.

Older Pipes

If your water has a more “metallic” taste to it, this is usually a sign that your pipes are older or even rusty.

Galvanized pipes were the go-to option in the early 1900s, but unfortunately they have a very short lifespan (see our recent blog post, where we dive into plumbing problems in older homes.)

This isn’t usually a major health issue if it’s just very small amounts of metal. In fact, some of these minerals, such as iron and zinc, are actually needed for a healthy diet! Large quantities of these are obviously not healthy though. You may also be running the risk of ingesting toxins like lead!

So, more often than not, it’s best to contact your local plumber. They will help you install a water filtration system, or, depending on the severity of your situation, replace your pipes!

Mold Growth

You may notice that your water smells a bit musty. This is usually caused by an algae bloom, a type of mold that tends to thrive in water pipes.

Sometimes, this water can be very dangerous to ingest if the bacteria and harmful matter are still present.

At other times, it can be completely harmless if the water is filtered properly (despite the funny taste and smell).

Just like metallic tasting water, it’s still best to contact your plumber to assess the situation!

Chloride Contamination

If your water tastes salty, this is a sign that there is chloride in your water supply.

Small amounts of chloride are naturally found in groundwater. This overabundance can happen for a variety of reasons. The most common reasons would be run-off from road salts (during the colder, snowier months of the year) and seawater infiltration.

As with the other problems, we highly recommend contacting your plumber! When our customers have this problem we usually recommend installing a reverse osmosis water filtration system (which we can help install, of course ).

Where Can I Get Help With These Issues?

As one of the top plumbing businesses in the Anacortes area, we would love to help you identify the source of your funny tasting water and effectively fix everything for you!

Can You Flush Flushable Wipes?

You just got done wiping down your bathroom sink with a wet wipe. Your bathroom counter now looks pristine, and now you want to dispose of that nasty goop and gunk. While it feels refreshing to just flush the evidence right down your toilet, is that really the smartest move? Well, read on for our take on this.

We, Full Speed Plumbing, are one of the top plumbing companies in the Anacortes area, and we have definitely seen our fair share of clogged toilets and drains. We can definitely tell you if there is any cause for concern.

A Quick Analysis

To sum it all up, the short answer is no. Wet wipes are not good for your septic system, even if they are labeled as “flushable.” The reason that it is marked as flushable is because the wipe is able to break down. The problem is that a wipe like this would take much longer to fully break down than toilet paper would. If you flush multiple “flushable” wipes down the toilet, you risk clogging the pipe if the wipes don’t break down in enough time.

In an interview with TODAY, master plumber Rex Kinney says, “people flush them down the toilet, and they go down the drain no problem, but usually when they hit … a 45-degree elbow within the homeowner’s plumbing pipes going out to the street, that’s when they just start congregating. … Over months, over time, they’re not being drawn out into the street, and, eventually, boom, they shut the sewer. They completely block the sewer, and then people get a backup, and they call a plumber.”

What Are Some Other Things I Should Avoid Flushing?

The key to knowing if something is safe to flush is asking yourself the question, “Will this get caught up or tangled with other things in my drain?” Here is a quick list of some things that you should avoid flushing down the toilet, at all costs (a few may surprise you ):

  • Q-tips
  • Paper towels
  • Diapers
  • Dental floss
  • Paper towels
  • Food
  • Fish
  • Gum
  • Feminine products
  • COVID masks (can’t tell you how many we’ve had to pull out of people’s septic systems )

If you’re still having trouble knowing what to flush, here’s a quick guide for what to flush down your toilet, and it can be summed up in two different materials:

1) toilet paper
2) waste.

Can’t go wrong there. 

What If I’ve Got A Clog Already?

You’re talking to the right people! We’re one of the top plumbing businesses in the Anacortes area, and we help people unclog toilets every day.

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